The One Page Plan
The model for planning I use in my projects is as simple as NOW | WHERE | HOW.
It’s like beginning with the end in mind. The plan framework is designed around taking the business from the current state to a desired future state. The framework gives a structure to deliver the outcomes that we are striving for. It’s a logical and orderIy way of moving the business towards it’s envisioned destination. It’s a concise yet powerful tool to keep your business focused and agile by distilling your business strategy into a single, easy-to-read document.
What’s In My Plan
Using the model above, the elements that make up the plan are as follows:
Vision: Your long-term aspirations
Business Statement: Your purpose and how you’ll achieve your vision
Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Your unique value proposition
Objectives: Specific, measurable goals
SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Strengths
Key Issues: What is happening in the business right now that has to be fixed
Strategies: High-level approaches to reach your goals
Action Items: Concrete steps to implement your strategies
What’s Your Why – Benefits
So why go to the effort to put together your one page plan?
Clarity: Forces you to prioritize what’s truly important
Alignment: Ensures everyone understands the big picture
Accessibility: Easy to reference and share
Flexibility: Simpler to update as circumstances change
What’s Next?
Remember, a One-Page Plan isn’t about oversimplification. It’s about distilling your strategy to its essence, creating a powerful tool for focus and execution.