Simplifying Your Business Strategy

The One Page Plan

The model for planning I use in my projects is as simple as NOW | WHERE | HOW.
It’s like beginning with the end in mind. The plan framework is designed around taking the business from the current state to a desired future state. The framework gives a structure to deliver the outcomes that we are striving for. It’s a logical and orderIy way of moving the business towards it’s envisioned destination. It’s a concise yet powerful tool to keep your business focused and agile by distilling your business strategy into a single, easy-to-read document.

What’s In My Plan

Using the model above, the elements that make up the plan are as follows:

Vision: Your long-term aspirations
Business Statement: Your purpose and how you’ll achieve your vision
Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Your unique value proposition
Objectives: Specific, measurable goals

SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Strengths
Key Issues: What is happening in the business right now that has to be fixed

Strategies: High-level approaches to reach your goals
Action Items: Concrete steps to implement your strategies

What’s Your Why – Benefits

So why go to the effort to put together your one page plan?

Clarity: Forces you to prioritize what’s truly important
Alignment: Ensures everyone understands the big picture
Accessibility: Easy to reference and share
Flexibility: Simpler to update as circumstances change

What’s Next?

Remember, a One-Page Plan isn’t about oversimplification. It’s about distilling your strategy to its essence, creating a powerful tool for focus and execution.

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Picture of Richard Coumans

Richard Coumans

Richard Coumans is an experienced business coach specialising in growing and drastically improving the profitability of entrepreneurial privately owned businesses. My skill set gives me a unique understanding of how the numbers link to the business strategy and the practical experience to develop and implement a strategy to maximise those numbers.


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